You are cordially invited to contact me and meet me in person to discuss the possibilities and optimal legal solutions.
Compensation for medical error
If you have suffered damage as a result of a medical error, you can claim appropriate compensation. Of course, it is not as simple as always when legal issues are involved.
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What is medical malpractice?
When going to a hospital or clinic, you should worry not only about your health condition, but also about whether you will be provided with appropriate help.
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Legitime – see how much money you are owed
Legitime – what is it anyways? The old saying goes that if you don’t know what it’s about, it’s definitely about money. The same is true for legitime.
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Divorce – means when fate closes the door, opens the window!
Some say that the most common cause of divorce is marriage. Without a doubt divorce is not a pleasant situation. But is it pleasant to live with someone who has become a stranger? To start a new chapter of life, you have to close the old one
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Production, provision, trade and trafficking of drugs – what are the consequences?
Acts involving the production, provision, trade and trafficking of drugs constitute very serious crimes.
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Conditional discontinuation of criminal proceedings
The fact that you have committed a crime and have been formally accused of it does not mean that you will be convicted – and therefore, you will have to submit to a severe penalty.
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Possession and using drugs – what are the consequences?
Drugs and their use are a negative social phenomenon. The effects of their abuse are far-reaching and include the degradation of family bonds, the destruction of health and an increase in crime.
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