Compensation for bodily injury

Recover your health efficiently and completely!

We have already recovered for our clients several million PLN in compensation for bodily injury. Car accident? Medical error? An unfortunate random event? If something similar happened to you and the consequences of the event resulted in health impairment, you are most likely entitled to compensation for bodily injury. Contact us and find out how we will use the experience we have gained in your case!


What do you gain?

Peace of mind

We will use every opportunity to recover the entire amount due to you


Your damages and suffering will be adequately compensated


All you do is just waiting for the transfer and we will take care of everything on your behalf

Compensation for bodily injury is intended to compensate for material (property) losses, while redress – compensation for intangible losses (suffering/pain) to persons who have suffered bodily injury as a result of the actions or omissions of third parties. Victims of unfortunate events can obtain compensation not only for expenses related to the treatment of the effects of the accident and recovery of income lost in connection with the accident, but also compensation for harm, e.g. compensation for harm, stress, or broadly understood mental health disorder.

Let us help you! Do you want to know what the work of a lawyer specializing in compensation for bodily injury and compensation for harm looks like?

Factual analysis

We will determine the circumstances in which the event occurred and who is responsible for it. We will also determine the scope of material and intangible damages that were incurred in connection with the accident.

Legal analysis

We will determine the legal basis for the liability of the person responsible for the event and all legal institutions that can be used to obtain due compensation and compensation for harm.


We will identify and help prepare such evidence that will not only allow us to determine the perpetrator’s responsibility, but also to obtain the maximum possible compensation for bodily injury and compensation for the harm suffered.


We will represent your interests in a dispute with the perpetrator of the accident or his insurer. If amicable methods do not lead to a satisfactory result, we will refer the case to the appropriate court on your behalf and we will do everything to ensure it is successful.

What is a bodily harm?

Bodily injury is a violation of the physical or mental fitness of the body that results in impairment of its functions. Bodily/personal injury is any type of bodily damage that results in: pain, suffering, reduced quality of life, ability to work or perform daily activities. Bodily injury may result from bruises, fractures, dislocations, sprains, cuts, poisoning, burns or infections. Bodily injury may also include psychological damage, including emotional suffering or post-traumatic stress. Health damage may be the result of an accident, medical error, violence or other actions/omissions of third parties.

If you have any doubts about what expenses to prepare for, contact us and find out the costs of compensation for bodily injury!


What does compensation for bodily injury cover?

Compensation for bodily covers the losses that the injured party has suffered and the benefits that he could have achieved if the damage had not been caused to him. In other words, compensation for bodily injury is intended not only to cover the costs of treatment and rehabilitation (including the costs of medicines, medical consultations, and travel to doctors), but also to compensate, e.g., for loss of income (if the injured party was completely or partially excluded from work and therefore did not earn any money at all or earned less than if the accident had not occurred).

What does compensation for bodily injury (compensation for harm) cover?

Compensation for bodily injury covers intangible damage that the injured party suffered as a result of the accident. This is nothing more than compensation for harm. It is clear that along with physical damage (fracture, burn, infection), the injured person experiences – at least – pain. The more serious the physical damage, the more serious the psychological suffering (including post-traumatic stress disorder or depression). All these inconveniences are to be compensated by compensation for stress or broadly understood mental health disorder, if any occurred in connection with the accident.

Help in obtaining compensation for bodily injury – this is our job and our passion.

Compensation payment refusal? Understated compensation? That’s the sad reality…

How to get help in obtaining compensation? How much is compensation for harm? The insurer refuses to pay compensation? Is your compensation too low? Contact us and find out how we can help you. We handle a lot of cases in particular in the field of:

  • Compensation for medical error (compensation for medical error),
  • Post-accident compensation,
  • Compensation for broken arm,
  • Compensation for broken leg,
  • Compensation for being bitten by a dog,
  • Compensation for battery,
  • Compensation for mental abuse

Who can seek compensation and/or compensation for personal injury?

Compensation/compensation for bodily injury is due to persons who have suffered such damage due to the action or omission of a third party. These include, for example:

Victims of medical errors

Compensation/compensation for medical errors is due to patients who have suffered health damage as a result of medical errors (improper treatment, diagnostic errors or negligence in medical care).

Employees injured at work

People who have suffered health damage as a result of an accident at work or an occupational disease have the right to apply for compensation from the employer if the latter is responsible for the accident or illness (e.g. by failing to ensure safe and hygienic working conditions) .

Victims of car accidents

Pedestrians, passengers and drivers of other cars who were injured as a result of the action or omission of another driver, may seek compensation and post-accident compensation.

Victims of violence

People who have suffered health damage as a result of crimes may fight for compensation and compensation, e.g. for mental abuse or assault.

Adwokat Kielce - Kancelaria Sochański i Wspólnicy
Victims of random accidents

Such people may seek, for example, compensation for a broken arm or other fracture, if a third party is responsible for the accident (e.g. an accident on a sidewalk not cleared of snow, for which the intendant of a neighboring building is responsible).


Victims of medical errors

Compensation/compensation for medical errors is due to patients who have suffered health damage as a result of medical errors (improper treatment, diagnostic errors or negligence in medical care).


Employees injured at work

People who have suffered health damage as a result of an accident at work or an occupational disease have the right to apply for compensation from the employer if the latter is responsible for the accident or illness (e.g. by failing to ensure safe and hygienic working conditions) .


Victims of car accidents

Pedestrians, passengers and drivers of other cars who were injured as a result of the action or omission of another driver, may seek compensation and post-accident compensation.


Victims of violence

People who have suffered health damage as a result of crimes may fight for compensation and compensation, e.g. for mental abuse or assault.


Victims of random accidents

Such people may seek, for example, compensation for a broken arm or other fracture, if a third party is responsible for the accident (e.g. an accident on a sidewalk not cleared of snow, for which the intendant of a neighboring building is responsible).

How much is compensation for personal injury? How much is compensation for harm?

The amount of compensation for personal injury, as well as the amount of compensation for harm, are the result of many factors and may vary significantly, depending on the circumstances of a given case. However, there are several key factors that are taken into account when determining the amount of compensation and compensation for harm. These include:

Degree, scope and type of bodily injury,
Degree and duration of pain and suffering,
Complexity and duration of treatment and rehabilitation,
The degree, scope and type of possible mental health disorder,
Complexity and duration of possible psychiatric/psychological treatment,
The amount of treatment and rehabilitation costs,
Amount of lost income,
Loss or limitation of earning capacity,

How to get compensation for personal injury? How to write a claim for compensation?

Obtaining compensation for personal injury is a complicated process that requires knowledge of appropriate procedures and negotiation skills. The injured person has the opportunity to apply for compensation and/or compensation for harm directly to the perpetrator of the damage or his insurer (provided that the perpetrator has an appropriate insurance policy).

However, a question will arise at this point – how to write an application for compensation for bodily injury? There will be more problems and questions: how to establish the principle and scope of responsibility? How much is compensation for harm? How to calculate compensation for personal injury? We know the answers to these questions perfectly well. We know how perpetrators of damage defend themselves against liability and we know what to do to attack them in an efficient manner. By specializing in seeking compensation and redress, we offer comprehensive assistance throughout the entire compensation process – from support immediately after the incident to a transfer to your account – contact us and find out how we can help you!

Office in the centre of Kielce

You are cordially invited to contact me and meet me in person to discuss the possibilities and optimal legal solutions.

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